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NEA Science Master Teacher Project (MTP) 

The MTP worked with some of the best K-12 science teachers in the country to document and share what made them so effective. The Project began in the summer of 2014 and continued to the summer of 2015. Science Master Teachers shared both the “how” (instructional strategies and classroom management procedures) and the “what” (complete lessons, units, and courses) behind their successful teaching. This rich content was then made available for free to the general public on the site.


Over 1,000 teachers from around the country applied to be a part of the Science MTP, and only 65 outstanding science educators were selected to share their teaching insights and experience on


These Master Teachers were selected for their exceptional scientific knowledge, for their unique ability to illuminate science concepts for their students, and for their leadership in their respective schools and community. They were an inspiring, dedicated group, who were eager to help teachers around the country make the leap to both the Common Core State Standards and the Next Generation Science Standards. As NEA President, Lily Eskelsen Garcia, said “The power of educators’ expertise is important and educators are passionate about helping their students explore and find success. The best ideas for the classroom come from classroom teachers, and our partnership with BetterLesson for the Science Masters Teacher Project allows us to tap into the passion, creativity, and power of those who spend their lives in the nation’s classrooms. Educators will be able to customize the shared lessons to their students’ individual needs and provide high quality instruction to help ensure all students have the skills they need to succeed.”


Some quick, fun facts: NEA Science Master Teachers:

• Have over 700 years of combined experience

• Hail from 24 different states

• Will create and share over 5,000 NGSS-aligned lessons on BetterLesson

• Include 19 National Board Certified Teachers

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